第四組 第一次翻譯 1-1.3 Environmentally Sustainable Societies Protect Natural Capital and Live Off Its Income 社會環境可維持保護自然資本定期收入。 The ultimate goal is an enviornmentally sustainable society-one that meets the current and future basic resource needs of its people in a just and equitable manner without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their basic need. 最終目標是以公平正義為基礎去開發,並能保全未來世代的基本需求。 Imgine you win $1 million in alottery. 想像你在一個抽獎中贏得100萬。 If you invest this money and earn 10% interest per year, you will have a substantial income of 100,000 a year that you can live all of indefinitely without depleting your capital. 如果你把錢投資進去而賺取年息百分之十,你將有年收入十萬的大豐收,你就可以好好過日子又不必動用到你的老本。 However, if you spend $20000 per year while allowing interest to accumulate on what is left after each withdrawal, your capital of $1 million will be gone early in the seventh year. 可是,如果你每年花20萬,而讓利息根據每次提款後的數目累計,你的100萬本金將會在第七年前消失。 Even if you spend only $110,000 per year and allow the interest to accumulate, you will be bankrupt early in the eighteenth year. 即使你每年只花了十一萬美金和允許利息的累積,你最早將會在第十八年的時候破產。 The lesson here is an old one: Protect your capital and live off the income it provides. 這裡的一個老問題:保護你的資源以及靠著他的供應過活。
第四組 第二次翻譯 1-3.4 Cultural Changes Have increased Our Ecological Footprints 文化改變增加了生態足跡 第一段從缺補1-5.3 Culture is the whole of a society's knowledge, beliefs, technology, and practices. Until about 12000 years ago, we were mostly hunter-gatherers who lived in small groups and moved as needed to find enough food for survival. Since then, three major cultural changes have occurred: the agricultural revolution(which began 10000-12000 years ago), the industrial medical revolution(beginning about 275 years ago), and the information-globalization revolution (beginning about 50 years ago). 文化是社會的整體:知識、信仰、技術和實踐。直到大?一萬兩千年前,我們是居住於地上組成小聚落且可移動性的主要消費者,因為需要生存而尋找足夠的食物。人類出現以來,發生的三主要文化革命:開始10000-12000年前的農業革命,工業醫療革命(起點大約275年前)和資訊全球化革命(起點大約50年前)。 Each of these cultural changes gave us more energy and new technologies with which to alter an control more of the planet to meet our basic needs and increasing wants. They also allowed expansion of the human population, mostly because of increased food supplies and longer life spans. 文化發展帶給人類新的能源和科技。新的能源和科技讓地球更能滿足人類的基本需要及日漸成長的需求。因為食物增產,人類的活得更久,所以人口得以增加。 Inaddition, they each resulted in greater resource use, pollution, and environmental degradation as our ecological footprints expanded and allowed to dominate the planet. 另外,當我們生態學的腳印拓展了並且允許支配了行星,它們其中的每一個都導致了更大量的資源使用、環境汙染和環境退化。 For more background and details on the environmental hsitory of the United States, see Supplement 5, pp.S23-S30. 對更多的背景資料和關於美國的環境歷史的細節來說,請看補充5,pp.S23-S30。
When companies use resorces to create goods and services for consumers,they are generally not required to pay the environmental costs of such resource use.For example ,fishing companies pay the costs of catching fish but do not pay the depletion of fish stocks.Timber companies pay for clear-cutting forests but not for the resulting environmental degradation and loss of wildlife habitat.These companies reasonably seek to maximize their profits,so they do not voluntarily pay these costs or even try to assess them,unless required to do so by government laws or regulations. 當公司使用資源創造消費者的貨物和服務,通常沒有要求他們支付這樣資源使用的環境費用。例如,釣魚公司支付捉住魚的費用,但是不管魚類的減少。木材公司支付砍伐森林費用,但是不管野生生物棲地所發生的環境退化和損失。這些公司合理地尋求他們最大的收益,因此他們不自願支付這些費用甚至不设法估計他們,除非由政府法律或合約要求去做。
To do such an experiment. Scientist set up two groups. one is an experimental group in which a chosen variable is changed in a known way and the other is a control group in which the chosen variable is not changed. with proper experimental design,any difference between the two groups should result from the variable that was changed in the experimental group. 做這樣的一個實驗。 科學家建立兩組。 一是實驗組, 一個選擇的變量被以知名模式改變並且另一個是被選擇的變量沒被改變的對照組。 用適當的試驗設計,在兩組之間的任何差別應該起因于被在實驗組裡改變的變量。 in the 1960s,botanist Frank H.Bormann,forest ecologist Sene LIkens,and their colleagues began carrying out a classic controlled experiment. The goal was to compare loss of water and nutrients from an uncut forest ecosystem (the control site)with one that was stripped of its trees.(the experimental site). 在20世紀60年代,植物學家Frank H. Bormann,塞內森林生態學家Sene Likens,和他們的同事開始實施一個典型的對照實驗。該計劃的目標是比較損失水分和營養物質從一個未經切割的森林生態系統(控制點)與一個被剝奪了它的樹木。(實驗網站) 。 They built V-shaped concrete dams across the creeks at bottoms of several forest valley in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire. The dams are anchored on impenetrable bedrock so all surface water leaving each forest valley had to flow across a dam, where scientists could measure its volume and dissolved nutrient content. 在新罕布什爾州,他們修建了V型混泥土水壩在哈布魯克實驗林里的幾個溪谷之中,大霸固定在岩床上,使所有離開森林的地表水流過了大壩,科學家可以藉此衡量養分的溶解量。 The first experiment measured the amounts of water and dissolved plant nutrients that entered and left an undisturbed forested area. These baseline data showed that an undisturbed mature forest is very efficient at storing water and retaining chemical nutrient in its soils. 實驗一開始測量了相當數量的溶於水的養分,而測得的基準值表示某一個未受干擾的森林是非常有效率的存放養分和水在土壤裡。 The next experiment involved disturbing the system and observing any changes that occurred. One winter, the investigators cut down all trees and shrubs in one valley (the experimental site),left them where they fell, and sprayed with herbicides to prevent the regrowth of vegetation. Then they compared the inflow and outflow of water and nutrients in this modified experimental site with those in the control site for 3 years. 下一個實驗包含擾亂系統並且觀察發生的任何變化。某一個冬天,那些調查者砍倒全部樹和在一個山谷(實驗場所)的灌木,再從他們倒下的地方將其移除,並且用鋤草劑噴防止植物的再生長。然後,他們比較在修改並受控制三年的實驗站的水的循環和營養物。
Figure2-1 Control field experiment to measure tje effects of deforestation on the loss of water and soil nutrients from a forest. V-notch dams were built into the impenetrable bedrock at the bottoms of several valleys (left) so that water and nutrients flowing from each valley could be collected and measured for volume and mineral content. Baseline data were collected on the forested valley (left) that acted as the control site. Then all the trees in one valley (the experimental site) were cut (right) and the flows of water and soil nutrients from this experimental valley were measured for three years. 圖2-1 控制區域水和土壤養分流失的實驗,以衡量砍伐森林的損失,V型缺口大霸被建造在幾個樹木根部難以貫穿的岩床上,使所有溶於水的養分和礦物質可以被收集和測量在森林溪谷擔任監測的實驗所收集的基準值,為所有樹木在溪谷〈實驗所〉測定三年溶水的養分流失的實驗性數值。
Environmentally Sustainable Societies Protect Natural Capital and Live Off Its Income
The ultimate goal is an enviornmentally sustainable society-one that meets the current and future basic resource needs of its people in a just and equitable manner without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their basic need.
Imgine you win $1 million in alottery.
If you invest this money and earn 10% interest per year, you will have a substantial income of 100,000 a year that you can live all of indefinitely without depleting your capital.
However, if you spend $20000 per year while allowing interest to accumulate on what is left after each withdrawal, your capital of $1 million will be gone early in the seventh year.
Even if you spend only $110,000 per year and allow the interest to accumulate, you will be bankrupt early in the eighteenth year.
The lesson here is an old one: Protect your capital and live off the income it provides.
Cultural Changes Have increased Our Ecological Footprints
Culture is the whole of a society's knowledge, beliefs, technology, and practices. Until about 12000 years ago, we were mostly hunter-gatherers who lived in small groups and moved as needed to find enough food for survival. Since then, three major cultural changes have occurred: the agricultural revolution(which began 10000-12000 years ago), the industrial medical revolution(beginning about 275 years ago), and the information-globalization revolution (beginning about 50 years ago).
Each of these cultural changes gave us more energy and new technologies with which to alter an control more of the planet to meet our basic needs and increasing wants. They also allowed expansion of the human population, mostly because of increased food supplies and longer life spans.
Inaddition, they each resulted in greater resource use, pollution, and environmental degradation as our ecological footprints expanded and allowed to dominate the planet.
For more background and details on the environmental hsitory of the United States, see Supplement 5, pp.S23-S30.
When companies use resorces to create goods and services for consumers,they are generally not required to pay the environmental costs of such resource use.For example ,fishing companies pay the costs of catching fish but do not pay the depletion of fish stocks.Timber companies pay for clear-cutting forests but not for the resulting environmental degradation and loss of wildlife habitat.These companies reasonably seek to maximize their profits,so they do not voluntarily pay these costs or even try to assess them,unless required to do so by government laws or regulations.
回覆刪除2.0(core case study)
Carrying Out a Controlled Scientific Experiment
第四組負責上傳資料的人... 筆
To do such an experiment. Scientist set up two groups. one is an experimental group in which a chosen variable is changed in a known way and the other is a control group in which the chosen variable is not changed. with proper experimental design,any difference between the two groups should result from the variable that was changed in the experimental group.
做這樣的一個實驗。 科學家建立兩組。 一是實驗組, 一個選擇的變量被以知名模式改變並且另一個是被選擇的變量沒被改變的對照組。 用適當的試驗設計,在兩組之間的任何差別應該起因于被在實驗組裡改變的變量。
in the 1960s,botanist Frank H.Bormann,forest ecologist Sene LIkens,and their colleagues began carrying out a classic controlled experiment. The goal was to compare loss of water and nutrients from an uncut forest ecosystem (the control site)with one that was stripped of its trees.(the experimental site).
在20世紀60年代,植物學家Frank H. Bormann,塞內森林生態學家Sene Likens,和他們的同事開始實施一個典型的對照實驗。該計劃的目標是比較損失水分和營養物質從一個未經切割的森林生態系統(控制點)與一個被剝奪了它的樹木。(實驗網站) 。
They built V-shaped concrete dams across the creeks at bottoms of several forest valley in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire. The dams are anchored on impenetrable bedrock so all surface water leaving each forest valley had to flow across a dam, where scientists could measure its volume and dissolved nutrient content.
The first experiment measured the amounts of water and dissolved plant nutrients that entered and left an undisturbed forested area. These baseline data showed that an undisturbed mature forest is very efficient at storing water and retaining chemical nutrient in its soils.
The next experiment involved disturbing the system and observing any changes that occurred. One winter, the investigators cut down all trees and shrubs in one valley (the experimental site),left them where they fell, and sprayed with herbicides to prevent the regrowth of vegetation. Then they compared the inflow and outflow of water and nutrients in this modified experimental site with those in the control site for 3 years.
Control field experiment to measure tje effects of deforestation on the loss of water and soil nutrients from a forest. V-notch dams were built into the impenetrable bedrock at the bottoms of several valleys (left) so that water and nutrients flowing from each valley could be collected and measured for volume and mineral content. Baseline data were collected on the forested valley (left) that acted as the control site. Then all the trees in one valley (the experimental site) were cut (right) and the flows of water and soil nutrients from this experimental valley were measured for three years.